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ROOT study
Subdivide the Canvas
c->cd(1); gPad->Divide(2, 2); //then always … c->cd(1); gPad->cd(i); // i = 1 … 4 (4 = 2 * 2) //the first row to take 80% and 2nd row to take 20% of the space. TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c", "c", 800,800); c->Draw(); TPad *p1 = new TPad("p1","p1",0.1,0.2,0.9,1.); p1->Draw(); p1->Divide(2,1); TPad *p11 = (TPad*)p1->cd(1); p11->SetFillColor(kRed); p11->Draw(); TPad *p12 = (TPad*)p1->cd(2); p12->SetFillColor(kRed-1); p12->Draw(); c->cd(0); TPad *p2 = new TPad("p1","p1",0.1,0.,0.9,0.2); p2->Draw(); p2->Divide(2,1); TPad *p21 = (TPad*)p2->cd(1); p21->SetFillColor(kBlue); p21->Draw(); TPad *p22 = (TPad*)p2->cd(2); p22->SetFillColor(kBlue-1); p22->Draw();
Auto code by TTree
TTree mytree; mytree.MakeClass("mycode");
This will generate mycode.h and mycode.C
My modification:
- Replace the initialization of TTree with TString
- Delete the inherit fChain(0)
- Add fIdentidier as the name of the file with out '.root'
TList* glist = new TList(); glist->Add(g1); glist->Add(g2); file_out->Add(glist);
TList *list = f1->GetListOfKeys(); for (Int_t i=0;i<list->GetEntries();++i){ TKey *key = (TKey*)list->At(i); TString name = key->GetName(); TObject *o1 = f1->Get(name.Data()); TString cname(o1->ClassName()); if (!cname.Contains("TH1")) continue; }
TBox * b = new TBox(-25,-20,25,20); //b->SetFillStyle(3003); b->SetFillColorAlpha(10,0.0); b->SetLineStyle(1); b->SetLineColor(2); b->SetLineWidth(10); b->Draw();
External shell command
.!ls .! mv abc.txt def.txt gSystem->Exec(“ls”); gROOT->ProcessLine(Form(".!mkdir %s",filename.Data())); gROOT->Macro("rootlogon.C");
Vector in branch
std::vector<Double_t>* DiffusionVertexX; tree->Branch("DiffusionVertexX", "vector<Double_t>", &DiffusionVertexX);
TChain should be created in advance of files to be added.
TChain * tree = new TChain("tree","tree"); tree->Add("/home/had/zhangce/g-2/MuYield/Root/MuYield_statistic_compain_1.root"); //...
TList (adding trees)
Tree* t1 = TxtToTree(...); Tree* t2 = TxtToTree(...); TList *list = new TList; list->Add(t1); list->Add(t2); list->Add(t3); //... TTree *newtree = TTree::MergeTrees(list); newtree->SetName("newtree");
build a circle cut:
const Int_t n = 30; Double_t x[n+1],y[n+1]; Double_t rcut = 21; Double_t dphi = TMath::TwoPi()/n; for (Int_t i=0;i<n;i++) { x[i] = rcut*TMath::Cos(i*dphi); y[i] = rcut*TMath::Sin(i*dphi); } x[n] = x[0]; y[n] = y[0]; TCutG *mcpcut = new TCutG("mcpcut",n+1,x,y);