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Lectures (by 2022F)
19-04-20 黑洞诺贝尔奖-北大
20-10-19 韩涛老师
20-10-20 刑志忠-中微子
20-11-07 詹文龙-惠州核物理中心
20-11-11 Kuno-COMET
20-11-12 武向平-天文
20-11-13 CERN Quantum Computing
20-11-13 北师大-广相
20-11-27 DUNE near detector
20-12-09 On determination of the fine-structure constant: Electron g-2 and Atom interferometers
20-12-10 Fermilab g-2 at CM21
20-12-12 蔡荣根-广相
20-12-25 低温技术简介
20-12-26 北大-激光加速系列
21-02-23 季向东QCD
21-03-09 刘川-变分原理、连续对称性和守恒律
21-03-12 张杰-激光和加速器
21-03-13 陈和生-散裂中子源
21-03-21 hadron on BESIII
21-04-02 紫金山天文台-暗物质
21-04-07 First results from the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab
21-04-07 Kamioka-The OVAL experiment
21-04-08 Cern lecture on Fermi Run1
21-04-09 FermiRun1-Kim Siang
21-04-09 SJTU follow-up
21-04-19 g-2 lecture by Lee Roberts
21-04-21 Electric dipole moment and CP violation in many-body systems
21-04-21 Mihara-Muon particle physics
21-04-22 粒子物理发展大势及超级Z-工厂物理
21-04-23 日米会议
21-04-27 BESIII Intro (Ke Baican)
21-04-28 SuperKEKB
21-05-19 LQCD on muon g-2
21-05-21 Tiangang Topo
21-05-23 中国的大科学装置,人类探索宇宙的“神器”
21-05-26 High E gamma ray
21-05-27 SM muon g-2 at PKU
21-05-27 IDT-WG3-Phys Kickoff on muon g-2
21-05-28 Tutorial on INSPIRE
21-06-09 Chu Zhaolin Master Thesis Defence
21-06-18 JSNS
21-06-28 BESIII History
21-06-28 怀柔论坛-大科学装置
21-07-23 量子材料微观世界的中子散射谱学探秘(李源)
21-09-14 LHAASO
21-09-24 量子增强的精密测量——见证玻色凝聚原子演示的“华尔兹”
21-09-30 LQCD and Muon g-2 (北大冯旭)
21-10-15 从全球变暖到复杂物理系统 ——2021年诺贝尔物理学奖解读
21-10-20 A Muon-Ion Collider at BNL
21-11-02 PandaX
21-11-26 娄辛丑-高能量前沿国际未来大型加速器势态
21-12-03 Muons for New Physics, Tao Han, 缪子束加速和对撞技术及其应用论坛
21-12-11 CSNS User Meeting (Muon Source)
21-12-16 ITER Project
22-01-20 Mu anti-Mu model (Osaka)
22-02-17 muTRISTAN
22-05-06 王贻芳国科大粒子物理讲座
22-05-25 Dark Quest at FNAL
22-05-27 Mu-antiMu (Kawamura)
22-06-29 中国电子离子对撞机EicC
22-07-14 Mu-antiMu at FNAL
22-08-01 Supersymmetry is the Physics of this Century