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On determination of the fine-structure constant: Electron g-2 and Atom interferometers

Makiko Nio (RIKEN)


the slides

Three ways to determine alpha

Initially comes from the fine structure of the hydrogen atom ( Sommerfield, 1916)

Change in the SI, 2019


Old method: Quantum hall effect resistance R$_k$ –> no longer available

New method: Atom interferometer

Young’s-double slit interferometer of light

two points:

  1. coherent
  2. slit

Our case: atom interference by light

Manipulation of an atom w/ light

Gain momentum! from excitation

Optical lattice to accelerate the atom

interference occurred at the t0 + 2T + T' (the N traveled from different way are different)

Two sources: Cs and Rb

measure the h/M, then


R$_\infity$ puzzle –> does not matter

Ar(M), Ar(me) –> g factor!

Error sources: largest is the laser beam profile

electron g-2

Penning trap


Be careful


should not be an issue for muon g-2, but it is for e g-2

h/M may not be insensitive to new physics

SHOULD study such effect on Mu 1S2S