
1. Introduction

lepton - cabibo angle, Bellel, T2K

lepton cannot be mixed strongly like quarks

charged lepton also mixed at the level relatively small, assuming new p beyond the SM

type of the mixing should be different from quark

many clv decay modes are set the uplimits

theorist deisng the model mu-e conversion should not exceed the …

muon start to see the quark contribution. second Feynman dia in the slides –> muon into atom, Mu,

heavy higgs boson and Z prime change case.

at which energy scale the NP exist. to contributing in the diagrams

DC muon beam

pion decays 20 ns –> DC beam!

10 meter or 20 meter transport in this way (DC) is possible, 80% light, lifetime

coincidence. time exp such as u to eg decay u to. eee, significant bkg from accidental overlap

multi particle final state, otherwise inmediate suffering signal to bkg

pulse beam: u e conversion.

only e coming out, it is better to use pulse muon beam

pulse time come from proton pulse

thin sharp target –> no B field to collect the muon, in DC

pulse beam: wide momentum range. high P stopped in the start

gaps: in the theo calculation, decay should exist blabla, exp not consis with theo.

then think about netrino more than 1 species

then Lederman exp. to see the diff btw two netrinos., muon, shielding, into thick sheidling block, detector. what kind of lepton can be produced.

observed muon, not e

netrino from muon decay only genertate muon. So two neutrinos.

first establish the concept of the lepton generation.

two points: USSR

then LOS alamos and PSI, muon beam

should happen just below the current limit!???

middle 70s, also many model bsm came out

1977: spokesperson: one stu doing ana said we may be, then spread out all over the world, then paper.

but unfortunately it was simple the rumor.

many exp. motivated by the theo, SUSY

MEG final result

red blank area, may exp being carried out in early 2000, but cancled due to financial problem

after 2010 started to phy result iin PSI

interaction may be enhanved in the nucleacies. so pepople start using nucle like gold.

But life depends on the size, large size, short life monic atom. Gold, Lead, e.g.

E proton 8 Gev, above 8 GeV, then anti-proton start open and contamination.

muon. from B extraction –> wide P spread

muon trapped outmost in the nuclei inmmediate goes to inner most orbit

pion 26 ns lifetime

extinction factor < 10^-10 for u to e exp.! It is good way or idea