Table of Contents
Magnet and Software Development at J-PARC E34
1. Magnet
1.1 Overview
1.2 Design and shimming
1.3 MUSEUM experiment at J-PARC
2. Software
2.1 Overview
2.2 Track finding with TMVA
2.3 Kicker Magnet Parameter tuning
2.4 Others
Magnet and Software Development at J-PARC E34
1. Magnet
1.1 Overview
Introduction to Magnet at
Sasaki-san's talk
Slides on the June 25th (Updates on magnet design and construction plan, Cross calibration of probes, Development of NMR probes)
Injection & Storage meeting:
1.2 Design and shimming
Sasaki-san's talk
1.3 MUSEUM experiment at J-PARC
J-PARC Muon g-2 is under collaboration with MUSEUM experiment for Magnet design & shimming
Talk by Kanda-san at CM23
2. Software
2.1 Overview
Meeting indico
Introduction to the software framework
g2esoft (account needed)
2.2 Track finding with TMVA
Talks at
Track finding with MVA, Alexander Semenov
Summer student report:
Track finding with TMVA package for Muon g–2/EDM experiment at J-PARC
Track fitting with GENFIT:
By Shobhit Gupta at IITB in June 2017
Latest talk at CM24
from newly-joined India group: Deepak Samuel (Central University of Karnataka)
2.3 Kicker Magnet Parameter tuning
Kicker parameter tuning:
Brief overview by Hiromi Iinuma
Mini-school lecture by Hiromi Iinuma at CM19
2.4 Others
g-2 collaboration meeting
official website
Slack channel
Internal wiki (may need account):