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lecture:home [2022/10/01 11:38] Ce Zhanglecture:home [2022/10/02 02:05] (current) Ce Zhang
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-====== Lectures ======+ 
 +  * [[lecture:Meetings, Workshops and Schools by 2022F]] 
 +====== Lectures (by 2022F) ======
   * [[lecture:190420_BlackHole|19-04-20 黑洞诺贝尔奖-北大]]   * [[lecture:190420_BlackHole|19-04-20 黑洞诺贝尔奖-北大]]
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   * [[lecture:210407_OVAL|21-04-07 Kamioka-The OVAL experiment]]   * [[lecture:210407_OVAL|21-04-07 Kamioka-The OVAL experiment]]
   * [[lecture:210408_fermirun1_cern | 21-04-08 Cern lecture on Fermi Run1 ]]   * [[lecture:210408_fermirun1_cern | 21-04-08 Cern lecture on Fermi Run1 ]]
-  * [[lecture;210409_KimSiang | 21-04-09 FermiRun1-Kim Siang]] +  * [[lecture:210409_KimSiang | 21-04-09 FermiRun1-Kim Siang]] 
-  * [[lecture;210409_sjtu | 21-04-09 SJTU follow-up]]+  * [[lecture:210409_sjtu | 21-04-09 SJTU follow-up]]
   * [[lecture:210419_g-2-leeroberts | 21-04-19 g-2 lecture by Lee Roberts]]   * [[lecture:210419_g-2-leeroberts | 21-04-19 g-2 lecture by Lee Roberts]]
   * [[lecture:210421_EDM_CP | 21-04-21 Electric dipole moment and CP violation in many-body systems]]   * [[lecture:210421_EDM_CP | 21-04-21 Electric dipole moment and CP violation in many-body systems]]