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lecture:cm22 [2021/06/01 07:38] โ€“ created Ce Zhanglecture:cm22 [2021/06/05 01:29] (current) โ€“ [Injection] Ce Zhang
Line 1: Line 1:
 +===== Seminar =====
 +===The Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab: A Field trip===
 +=== Run-1 ๐œ”_๐‘Ž analysis of the Muon ๐‘”โˆ’2 Experiment at Fermilab ===
 +=== Muon g-2/EDM in physics beyond the Standard Model ===
 Indirect bound  Indirect bound 
 +=== Liquid xenon gamma-ray detector for MEG II experiment at PSI ===
 +===== H-line & source =====
 +=== Status of H-line construction ===
 +=== Silica Aerogel ===
 +=== 1s-2s laser (Kamioka) ===
 +=== Lyman-alpha laser ===
 +===== Software =====
 +=== Status of computing setup ===
 +cvmfs_config stat -v  mug2ej.kek.jp
 +ls /mug2ej.kek.jp
 +cvmfs_server transaction mug2ej.kek.jp
 +===== LINAC =====
 +===== Injection =====
 +  - New model 2021 with updated Br 
 +  - Beam transport line design
 +{{ :lecture:cm22:cm22-1.png?400 |}}