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lecture:210408_sourcelinac [2021/04/08 03:09] – created Ce Zhanglecture:210408_sourcelinac [2021/04/08 06:16] (current) – [Ultra-slow muon source development 超低速ミューオン源開発] Ce Zhang
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 ====== Overview ===== ====== Overview =====
 +  - Mibe - introduction
 ====== Ultra-slow muon source development 超低速ミューオン源開発 ====== ====== Ultra-slow muon source development 超低速ミューオン源開発 ======
-===== Ishida - Overview of the Muon Source =====+  - Ishida - Overview of the Muon Source 
 +  - Suzuki - Demonstration of the ultra-slow muon production using the laser-resonant ionization 
 +  - Mibe - Development strategy of the ionizaiton laser for the muon g-2/EDM experiment 
 +  - Ishida - Production and implementation of the instruments for the muon g-2/EDM experiment
-===== Suzuki - Demonstration of the ultra-slow muon production using the laser-resonant ionization =====+Improvement in the FB (FPGA) system
 +Now the system for RFQ, but **no beam loading**.