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lecture:210407_oval [2021/04/07 06:55] – created Ce Zhanglecture:210407_oval [2021/04/07 08:03] (current) Ce Zhang
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 with a high repetitive pulsed magnet and a high finesse optical cavity. In this talk, I with a high repetitive pulsed magnet and a high finesse optical cavity. In this talk, I
 would like to show the latest result of the OVAL experiment. would like to show the latest result of the OVAL experiment.
 +Probing the structure of the vacuum with light source: a good probe for the structure of the vacuum
 +1.low e collider
 +2.selectively excitation spin 0
 +3. high precesion
 +VMB: anisotropy of the refractive index of the vac in the B field
 +candidate: virtual e-positron pair in vac
 +contribution from axion, couples to 2 photons
 +1. VMB by QED
 +2. new phy
 +fabry-perot cavity
 +history of VMB search
 +one order worse than the over of the QED effect
 +- weak B
 +- unexpecte biref noise in low freq
 +pulsed mag for VMB search
 +key point 1 : pulse mag
 +1064 nm CW
 +--> reflectivity of the mirrors