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g-2:magnet_and_software_development [2022/09/06 13:16] – [1. Magnet] Ce Zhangg-2:magnet_and_software_development [2022/09/06 13:20] (current) – [2. Software] Ce Zhang
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 === 1.3 MUSEUM experiment at J-PARC === === 1.3 MUSEUM experiment at J-PARC ===
-J-PARC Muon g-2 is under the collaboration with MUSEUM experiment for Magnet design & shimming+J-PARC Muon g-2 is under collaboration with MUSEUM experiment for Magnet design & shimming
-  * [[https://kds.kek.jp/event/36169/contributions/178054/attachments/138442/169076/MuSEUM_g-2CM21_20201209.pdf| Talk by Kanda-san at CM21]]+  * [[https://kds.kek.jp/event/40043/contributions/201839/attachments/150160/188346/MuSEUM_g-2CM23_20211210.pdf| Talk by Kanda-san at CM23]]
 ==== 2. Software ==== ==== 2. Software ====
 === 2.1 Overview === === 2.1 Overview ===
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   * Track fitting with GENFIT: {{ :g-2:8956e07e639f32ce32115bdc1a239791.pdf |By Shobhit Gupta at IITB in June 2017   * Track fitting with GENFIT: {{ :g-2:8956e07e639f32ce32115bdc1a239791.pdf |By Shobhit Gupta at IITB in June 2017
 }} }}
 +  *[[https://kds.kek.jp/event/42338/contributions/215369/attachments/156273/199068/Improving%20Trackfinding%20in%20g2esoft.pdf|Latest talk at CM24]] from newly-joined India group: Deepak Samuel (Central University of Karnataka)
 === 2.3 Kicker Magnet Parameter tuning === === 2.3 Kicker Magnet Parameter tuning ===