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g-2:g-2 [2022/09/02 14:30] Ce Zhangg-2:g-2 [2022/10/01 07:50] (current) Ce Zhang
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 ====== Muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC ====== ====== Muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC ======
 +  * [[Basics]] 
 +  * [[Overview for Beginners]]
   * [[Magnet and Software development|Magnet and Software development (Sep 2022)]]   * [[Magnet and Software development|Magnet and Software development (Sep 2022)]]
 +  * [[g-2:thermal_source|Thermal Muon Source for Muon g-2/EDM at J-PARC (Sep 2022 for Xinhai Xie)]]
-muon g factor $g_{\mu}$ +=== CM23 (Dec 2021=== 
- +{{ :g-2:2021-12-07-cm23_oishi.pdf |}}
-  * $-2.002 331 8418(13)$ +
-  * [[https://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?gmum|NIST Link]] +
- +
-| Numerical value      | $-2.002 331 8418$      | +
-| Standard uncertainty    | $+0.000 000 0013$    | +
-| Relative standard uncertainty | $6.3 \times 10^{-10}$ | +
- +
-define $a_{\mu} = (g-2)_{\mu}/2$, which differs from the SM prediction by +
- +
-$$\delta a_\mu = a_\mu^{{\rm exp}} a_\mu^{{\rm SM}} = (279\pm 76)\times 10^{-11}$$ +
- +
-corresponding to a $3.7 \sigma$ deviation.+
-==== Muon summary ==== 
-| Type | Ek | P | E | 
-| Slow muon (g-2, SOA) | ~/Sline | ~/Hline | G4BL | 
-| Slow muon (Mu1S2S,  SOA)| ~/Sline | ~/Hline | G4BL | 
-| Surface muon | ~/Sline | 28.3 | G4BL | 
-| g-2 muon (J-PARC)| ~/Sline | ~/Hline | G4BL | 
-| g-2 muon (FNAL)| ~/Sline | ~/Hline | G4BL |