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g-2:basics [2022/09/05 16:22] – created Ce Zhangg-2:basics [2022/09/05 16:22] (current) – [Muon summary] Ce Zhang
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 ==== Muon summary ==== ==== Muon summary ====
-| Type | Ek | P | E | 
-| Slow muon (g-2, SOA) | ~/Sline | ~/Hline | G4BL | 
-| Slow muon (Mu1S2S,  SOA)| ~/Sline | ~/Hline | G4BL | 
-| Surface muon | ~/Sline | 28.3 | G4BL | 
-| g-2 muon (J-PARC)| ~/Sline | ~/Hline | G4BL | 
-| g-2 muon (FNAL)| ~/Sline | ~/Hline | G4BL |