Hi, I'm Ce ZHANG. Welcome to my homepage.
I had my PhD on J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM Experiment in Japan. I'm now a Postdoc at the University of Liverpool, working on Muon g-2 @ FNAL and MUonE @ CERN - they are two experiments studying on an elementary particle called muon.
I have my personal website psi3770.com. If you're new here, feel free to check out my dokuwiki for most of my studies, my blog for my activities and articles, my wiki for my web deployment and other interesting links. Enjoy!
我现在是利物浦大学的博士后,参与两个高能物理实验: Muon g-2 @ FNAL and MUonE @ CERN。
如果你初来乍到,欢迎点击我的 dokuwiki 了解我的研究,以及我的 博客 查看我的个人活动和总结文章。我的个人网站是 psi3770.com。